The list of presenters at the 17th World Congress on Qigong, Tai Chi and TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) reads like “Who’s Who” in the world’s healing community. There will be three dozens of Tai Chi and Qigong masters and grandmasters as well as prominent doctors and scientists from 9 countries and four continents to present and to render cure.
Qigong Grandmaster Dr. Effie Chow, founder and president of East West Academy of Healing Arts, co-author of “Miracle Healing from China-Qigong”, member of the first Advisory Panel of the Office of Alternative Medicine, National Institute of Health, 35-year consultant with National Institute of Health for the U.S. and Canada, Commission Member on the President’s White House Commission on Complementary and Alternative Medicine Policy, founded the World Congress on Qigong, Tai Chi, and TCM. With her lifetime passion, unwavering determination, and incredible organization skills, the World Congress has grown into an international sensation with a global support. This year the World Congress is putting together an amazing program that will start on Friday Sept. 2 till Mon. Sept. 5 in San Francisco, California. With strong demand, there will be a two-day seminar prior to the Congress and workshops to treat various cancers in the following four days after the Congress.
Quo Lin, an artist, who overcame her own cancer by creating and practicing Quo Lin Qigong for decades. Quo Lin Qigong, this evidence-based healing art has been heavily researched clinically with great successes hence cured tens of thousands of patients of various cancers.
John Mattison, MD, is the chief medical information officer and assistant medical director for Kaiser Permanente, the nation’s largest not-for-profit health plan and health care provider, with annual operating revenue of more than $50 billion. John began his medical career at the University of California San Diego (UCSD) and Scripps Clinic. He first studied the science of acupuncture in the 1970s.
Dr. Wang Yan, of Holland is a world famous medical Qigong expert, herbalist, and martial artist. She has been the on the board of a scientific Qigong research institute for years. She will be honored by China with 6 museums to highlight her accomplishments.
Dr. Steven K. H. Aung is an integrative physician and a Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner and teacher. He is a Clinical Professor in the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry at University of Alberta and Vice Chair (North America) for the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies. He was awarded the Alberta Order of Excellence in 2002, a Physician of the Century Award in 2005, and Canada’s highest civilian honor, the Order of Canada, in 2006.
Dr. Caroline Cai of U.K. is an expert practitioner in TCM with 22 years of experience treating patients to combat depression, migraine, insomnia, pains, cancer, and other health issues. Her specialties are acupuncture, Tuina, and herbal medicine.
Dr. Liu Chao of Japan is the World Champion of Six Sounds Qigong and he will teach his techniques during the World Congress.
Gaetan Chevalier, Ph.D, of Canada is Director of Research at the California Institute for Human Science (CIHS) and visiting scholar at School of Medicine at University of California-San Diego. He is a pioneer in the research of the bio-energy measurement.
Her Holiness Khadro Crystal Chu Rinpoche is the lineage holder and spiritual leader of the Fifth Stage of Black Sect Esoteric Buddhism, the designated successor to His Holiness the late Grandmaster Lin Yun, and an Adjunct Professor at the School of Arts and Letters in San Diego State University. Her Holiness has led worldwide workshops and lectures on the theory of Qi, Feng Shui, holistic healing, Yin-Yang philosophy, applications of I-Ching, divinations, Buddhist teachings, meditation, spiritual, personal growth, and others.
Kevin W Chen, Ph.D. MPH, an associate professor in the Center for Integrative Medicine and Department of Psychiatry at the University of Maryland School of Medicine. Dr. Chen is a NIH-funded investigator conducting survey research on adolescent substance abuse, and conducting clinical studies investigating the clinical feasibility and efficacy of Chinese energy therapy for treating osteoarthritis and addiction. Dr. Chen is also a Qigong practitioner and instructor.
Master Bill Douglas is co-Founder of World Tai Chi & Qigong Day, and was the 2009 Inductee to the World Internal Arts Hall of Fame in New York, and is the recipient of the “Extraordinary Service in the Field of Qigong” award from the National Qigong Association. He teaches for the University of Kansas Hospital.
Dr. Alex Feng, lineage holder of Zhi Daoism, is a renowned healer, acupuncturist, Tai Chi and Qigong teacher, humanitarian and international lecturer on TCM. Dr. Feng has been a leading force in bringing Taoism to the West.
Dr. Pete Gryffin, a recent University of Florida Alumni Fellow, is a 30-year practitioner of Tai Chi, Qigong, and Kung Fu. He has taught for retreat centers, medical centers and universities. He has over 15 publications to his credit, including his groundbreaking book “Tai Chi Therapy – The Science of Metarobics”.
Master Lee Holden is an internationally known instructor in meditation, Tai Chi, and Qigong, as well as a licensed acupuncturist, herbalist, and author of “7 Minutes of Magic” (Penguin 2007). His popular library of Qigong DVDs have made him a regular fixture on American Public Television and over 105 PBS stations throughout the U.S and Canada.
Dr. Linda Nadia Hole, MD is a pioneer in bridging Qigong, Oriental, Western, and Energy Medicine. With degrees from Princeton, Duke, University of Spiritual Healing & Sufism, and Oneness University, she has served on numerous faculties, including the World Congress on Qigong, American Holistic Medical Association, and American Academy of Pain Management. She’s also served as consulting editor for Chinese Medical Qigong and authored valuable articles on related subjects for many publications.
JacQuaeline is a powerful inspiring International Speaker/Trainer, Consultant, and Holistic Healing Practitioner & Professional Clairvoyant. She’s presented programs for major corporations, colleges & government agencies. Her weekly radio talk show broadcasted on 93.5fm Los Angeles for 8 years.
Wang TianJian will come from China to teach Qigong and Acupressure.
Violet Li, a 12th Generation Chen Style Tai Chi Inheritor, in-door disciple of Grandmaster Chen Zhenglei, founder of St. Louis Tai Chi & Qigong for Health, and a columnist on Tai Chi, Qigong, and other healing arts, has written more than 500 articles both in English and Chinese with readership from 40 different countries. You can read some of her article via Violet Li Tai Chi.
Dr. Shin Lin is Director of the Laboratory of Mind-Body Energy & Signaling Research and Professor in the Depts. of Cell Biology and Biomedical Engineering, and Susan Samueli Center for Integrative Medicine, University of California, Irvine. A 12th generation direct-line inheritor of Chen style Tai Chi certified by Grandmaster Chen Zheng-Lei, he is internationally known for his “Science-based Tai Chi /Qigong for Mind-Body Health”. In 2008, he was appointed by the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services to a 4-year term on the National Advisory Council for Complementary and Alternative Medicine at the National Institutes of Health. Dr. Lin is also the chair for the Scientific Symposium of the World Congress.
Dr. May Loo, MD, is author of several textbooks integrating western medicine and Complementary/alternative Medicine. Her textbook, Pediatric Acupuncture, is being used at several major universities in the US and abroad. She has lectured throughout the US, also in Canada, Europe, and China. She is the innovator of the first completely safe, water-based transdermal patch with organic ingredients for infants with reflux, gas, and colic.
Dr. George Love is known for his acupuncture skills and recognized as a healer in many communities. He learned Qigong massage and rhythmic healing percussion. He knows how to elicit information from the patients’ energy field and how to draw healing energy directly from nature to treat patients.
Anita Chen Marshall, DAOM, Pharm.D., L.Ac., founder and director of Sequoia Healing Center for Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine in Alameda, California. After receiving her Pharm.D. from University of the Pacific in 1976, Dr. Marshall studied Chinese medicine. As an adjunct faculty at various schools throughout the US, she lectures on drug and herb interactions and acupressure massage. With her dual background in western and eastern medicine, Dr. Marshall is able to provide acupuncture and herbal supplements that complement western medical treatments.
Master Zhang Hong Mei was an elite athlete in China and captured gold medals in Bagua, sparring routines, and Double Straight Sword at national and international competitions. Master Zhang has traveled the world as a Wushu ambassador, performing and teaching the art. She has appeared on dozens of international magazine covers and has been featured numerous times on TV, film, and video.
Master Phillip Wong is one of the few Americans to have competed as a member of National US Wushu Team and won multiple medals. He was nominated as Inside Kung Fu’s competitor of the year in 1987, featured in ESPN television specials, and appeared on a variety of magazine covers in the USA, China, Italy and Japan. He starred in films in Asia and choreographed feature films in the USA. He provided motion-captured acting for video games Tekken 2 & 3 and Mace: The Dark Age.
Dr. Sandra-Rose Michael is the Inventor and Researcher of Bio-Scalar Regenerative Technology and Senior Director of Energy Medicine for the Global Foundation for Integrative Medicines and a member of the Scientific Council for National Bio Science.
Master Cathy Mu is known as the “Abundance Qigong Master”. She has been teaching “Enlightened Prosperity”, “How to Have It All”, “the Energy of Money”, “the Secret to the Fountain of Youth”, and “How to master Health, Wealth, Beauty & Happiness”.
Dr. Chong Pin Ong, PhD, is a 12th Generation Chen Style Tai Chi Inheritor and author “Taijiquan: Cultivating Inner Strength”.
Lewis Lee Regen is a teacher of Qi Gong at the University of California Santa Cruz and leads Nature Qi Gong walks. Teaching with his mother Candice Lee Regen, they offer an accessible, effective and fun integration of Qigong connecting with the elemental energy of nature.
Ken Rochon is an author, speaker and social media guru and has authored 12 books. His current book “Keep Smiling… Shift Happens!” has generated a movement of celebrities and leaders to join in helping remind the world positivity attracts positive power. He is a specialist in creating ‘Social Proof Viral Campaigns’ for some of the top events, leaders, non-profits, and various organizations.
Beverly Rubik earned her Ph.D. (biophysics) at University of California, Berkeley. She is internationally renowned for her research on the biofield. She is president/founder of Institute for Frontier Science, a nonprofit laboratory in Emeryville, CA; serves on the editorial boards of 4 peer-reviewed journals; professor at Energy Medicine University; and a holistic health practitioner.
Formally designated a “Living Treasure” of Hawaii, Dr. Terry Shintani is a Harvard-trained nutritionist, and medical doctor, lawyer, professor, author, speaker, and Traditional Hawaiian Healer. His whole-person lifestyle Program won the highest national award from the U.S. Secretary of Health. He is the author of “Peace Diet”.
Animesh Lal Shrestha of Nepal, is General Secretary of World Martial Arts Kung Fu Association in Nepal.
American actress, writer, director, photographer, and producer, Jane Moore Sibbett’s most notable roles include Heddy Newman on the Fox television series “Herman’s Head” and as Ross Geller’s first ex-wife Carol in NBC sitcom “Friends”. Her play, “SHE’ISLAND”, co-written with a host of women on Hawaii Island opens in late 2016 at the Kahilu Theatre in Kamuela, Hawaii. Jane, a survivor herself, continues to advocate for survivors everywhere, hoping to instill hope and healing through “dancing hands”.
Master Lama Somananda Tantrapa is the lineage holder of Qi Dao that has been fostered in his clan for 27 generations since 1224 AD. He has over 30 years of experience in Qi Dao and other internal martial arts. He operates Academy of Qi Dao, as well as Portland Qigong Clinic. An author of two books, numerous articles as well as multimedia training materials, he is also the producer and host of the Internet Radio talk show The Secrets of Qigong Masters.
Ms. Marisa Vocca is currently head of the Nei Dao Association – The Interior Way, an organization dedicated entirely to the in depth study of Qigong in all of its aspects in Italy. She is on the examination board for Qigong for OTTO, the national Organization for Tuina and Qigong Operators in Italy.

One of Dr. Chow’s mottos is “three belly laughs a day”. Even though she treats the healing art with highest respect, she injects humor and fun while lecturing or teaching it. The World Congress on Qigong, Tai Chi, and TCM has a tradition in hosting a fabulous gala that brings learning and entertainment together. Terry Luk’s 10-piece Chinese orchestra, Abbot Shi Yanran, Cynthia Yee and the Grant Avenue Follies, and others will provide an eye feast followed by Qi dancing.
Disclosure: I am invited to teach at the World Congress on Qigong, Tai Chi, and TCM.
Below video has highlights of the 2014 World Congress on Qigong, Tai Chi, and TCM.
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