As a journalist on Tai Chi (Taiji) and Qigong, I have opportunities to review voluminous books, DVD’s, and mobile apps. The other day I popped “Radiant Lotus Medical Qigong Forms with Daisy Lee” into my computer and reviewed the 75-minute video in its entirety. I enjoyed it very much and decided to include it in my own daily routine to boost energy and balance Qi when time permits.

According to the press release prepared by the YMAA Publication Center, the publisher of the video, Daisy Lee studied with master teachers in China, Tibet, and the West for more than 20 years and has been teaching Qigong since the 1990’s. Qigong has been clinically proven to reward practitioners with huge health benefits. There are thousands of Qigong forms with each form containing its own focus and merit. In general, Qigong is easy to do and breathing and mindfulness are essential components of it. Master Daisy Lee brought together the healing exercise systems of her most impressive teachers under one roof and named it Radiant Lotus Qigong. But women have unique needs different than men. Master Lee was quoted “Radiant Lotus Women’s Qigong began as a personal quest to empower my female students in coming health challenges that could be avoided or transformed if they had the right ‘key’ to open the door to their own radiant health.” Radiant Lotus Women’s Qigong  (RLWQ) is designed to support the holistic self-care and self-healing of menstrual and hormonal imbalances, breast and uterine tumors/cysts, fibrocystic breast disease, emotional ups and downs, menopausal symptoms, memory loss and numerous other women’s health issues as well as a wellness program for healthy women.

The one-hour Radiant Lotus Medical Forms for women includes:

  • Updated shaking and cupping routine
  • Anti-aging series for longevity
  • Balancing movement: The phoenix opens her wings for Qi balancing
  • Lotus rises through the water (movement 1)
  • Kwan Yin closing meditation and prayer

Even though I learned some of the above Qigong forms before, never did I feel that my energy flow so freely. Perhaps this is because Daisy’s voice is extremely soothing, which put me in a state of total relaxation. I also appreciate how the form progresses from one movement to the other to wake up the Qi and then circulate it better. Daisy’s instruction is clear and easy to follow. The video also includes important health information on the side of the screen without interfering the instruction. I normally don’t like instructors to use excessive metaphors while teaching forms. Sometimes, they seem pretentious and trite. However, Daisy Less uses a few metaphors during the phoenix and lotus movements that are appropriate and facilitate the learning process. Her teaching demonstrates that she has a solid knowledge about body and meridian system. She has a warm personality and a good sense of humor. It feels like that I am actually attending a class in person with her.

Kwan Yin is a symbol of mercy and kindness for both the Buddhists and Daoists (or Taoists). The short Kwan Yin closing meditation is a loving kindness meditation, which is suitable for her female audience.

There is a bonus section of 15 minutes of acupressure self-massage. Master Lee teaches how to do foot massage and massage major acupressure points in the body for health and longevity. Sometimes people have a difficult time to locate an acupressure points. Daisy made it easy to find the pressure points. The part I enjoy most is how to slap the bottom of my feet. LOL.

To make Qigong more accessible for beginners, Daisy Lee also authored “Radiant Lotus Healing Qigong Exercises (for women)”, which contains some of the same material as the first one, but at an easier level. People can also follow her instruction from a sitting position. The video also includes Tibetan vibrational sound healing techniques to break up the blockage in the body.

Originally, I planned to interview Daily Lee. But she is traveling extensively around the world and has a very full schedule. In case you want to learn directly from her, you can check her 2017 schedule here or attend the Immortal Sisters Conference in Aug. 25-30 in Catskill, NY.

To learn about Daisy Lee’s view on Qigong, you can review below video:

One thought on “Recommended: Radiant Lotus Medical Qigong Forms

  1. Hello from Greece
    I will get these Qigong dvds to learn them and then teach them to my female students
    Thank you for sharing
    All the best

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