Grandmaster Chen Zhenglei at 76: The Power of Tai Chi Remains Unshaken

At 76, Grandmaster Chen Zhenglei still delivers powerful punches. Recently, at the request of the Shaolin Tai Chi Heritage Center in Las Vegas, Grandmaster Chen conducted a small workshop on “How to Channel Your Energy to Exert Powerful Force.” The legendary Tai Chi master demonstrated the manifestation of Qi with a few explosive punches, leaving […]

Kwei, a True Inspiration!

It is estimated that 92% of octogenarians in the U.S. suffer from at least one chronic condition, and 77% have two or more. Their schedules are often filled with doctors’ appointments. Some work hard to manage their health through supplements, proper nutrition, and exercise. However, Dr. Kwei Lee Su is extraordinary. At 83, she began […]

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