With the strong support of “Martial Arts Trail” (or Sendero Artes Marciales), “United Mexican Movement for Taichi”, and the City of Mexico, last year 3,200 people came out and played Tai Chi (Taiji) at the historical Monument to the Revolution as a part of World Tai Chi & Qigong Day celebration. This year, the organizer expects an attendance of 5,000 at the event, which will be held at the same place on April 23 to usher 2017 World Tai Chi & Qigong Day celebration on April 29 around the world.

Sifu Roberto Balderas Armendariz states that the mission of this mega Tai Chi Class is to promote a healthy alternative for the prevention and treatment of stress, diabetes, obesity, and other diseases. Prior to April 23, classes have been held in public spaces and parks throughout the City of Mexico. Citizens are encouraged and invited to try out and experience the health benefits of Tai Chi and Qigong themselves. Classes are also offered in many schools in 19 different states in Mexico.

To ensure the success of this mega event, multiple rehearsals have taken place already at the monument. Sifu Armendariz emphasizes that they want to make this event part of the World Tai Chi & Qigong Day, which takes places on the last Saturday of April each year with millions of participants in hundreds of cities around the world. I am certain this will be the largest single gathering in the world this year.

Sifus Enrique Lozada, Agustin Martinez, and other Tai Chi teachers founded “United Mexican Movement for Taichi” to promote the health benefits of the healing art. Last year was the first time they hosted the Mega Tai Chi class. 3,200 people from Mexico City and several states attended the worthy cause. Some of the participants even came from Argentina and Chile. This year, practitioners from China, United States, Central America, and South America have expressed the interest to attend and some of them have already registered for the event. Last year people of all ages, including children and seniors, even 90-year-old individuals, were practicing and learning Tai Chi together.

There were handicapped people sitting in wheelchairs as well as people on crutches. There were simultaneous events held in fourteen other states across the country that day as well. It brought me a great feeling just reviewing their photos (see the slide show below) from last year.

Sifu Armendariz mentions that this year’s event will have a similar format as last year. It will start with Qigong and other exercises for warm up, and then Tai Chi classes. To make the class more interesting, a lion dance with drum performance will be included. Several Tai Chi and martial art masters will provide short demonstrations to showcase different styles. Sifu Armendariz excitedly announces that Master Wang Xing Qing (aka Xin Xuan Zi) of Wudang, a 25th Inheritor of the Gate of the Dragon, will come from China to share his profound knowledge with all as well as display his awesome skills.

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(Edited by Doc Luecke.)

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