Vortices are a major component of turbulent flow and mostly created by a whirling fluid in which the flow revolves around an axis line, which may be straight or curved. Vortices form in stirred fluids, and can also be produced in other media such as electricity, smoke, wind, or dust.
It is believed that Sedona, Arizona, is a spiritual power center because of the vortices of subtle energy located in the area. Some visitors claim to feel the energy. These vortices are swirling centers of subtle energy coming out from the earth. And the evidences of the vortices are twisted juniper trees especially around the Sedona airport, the shape of the Bell Rock, Cathedral Rock, and Boynton Canyon. Allegedly, the energy of the vortex resonates with and strengthens the inner being of each person who comes within about a quarter to a half mile of it. It is easy to feel the energy at these vortices by sensitive individuals, and it can be an uplifting experience even for days afterwards and some claim to have an epiphany at the spot. Therefore, people come from all over the world visit Sedona to experience the phenomenon.

Between holidays, I went to Sedona to hike and to be inspired by the nature’s wonder of the red rocks. I am not a sensitive person. Even though I hiked Bell Rock and near the Cathedral Rock, I did not feel any sensation. But I felt the serenity while I was doing Tai Chi on the top of Brins Mesa Trail in the Coconino National Forest. The hike up to the mesa wasn’t difficult or steep. Once we got there, there was an expansive flat land with unobstructed views of the spectacular red rock formations all around. I was deeply touched by the beauty of the nature and started to do Tai Chi (Taiji). I felt unbelievably soothing within.
The hotel that I stayed offered free exercise classes. I was pleased to find out that they had many mind-body classes. Aside from yoga, multiple Tai Chi (Taiji), Qigong, and meditation sessions were available throughout the week. I took a Qigong class on my last day there.
The instructor was Barbara Matsuura, who was a ballet dancer then Japanese Kabuki dancer. She told me that she learned the Yang Style Tai Chi first in Hong Kong and later learned Qigong Form Ba Duan Jin (or Eight Sections of Brocade) in Germany. There are many Ba Duan Jin forms and hers has a flare of extremely fluidity and grace – it may have something to do with her being a dancer. Her class included four segments: warm-up, standing guided meditation, Ba Duan Jin, and self-massage. After the warm-up, she instructed us standing with feet shoulder-width apart, knees softly bent, and the tiger mouth 虎口 (the web between the thumb and the index finger) of the hands gently touching the sides of the tights with four fingers in the front and the thumbs in the back. My body was relaxed, head suspended, upper body upright, and shoulders rounded and relaxed. She used the Qigong techniques of visualization 觀想 to guide us through the entire body from head to toes. The unique part of her guidance is that she followed the major meridian channels and talked us through various major body parts and internal organs. She tried to help us to let go any unsettling emotions and to bring the earth energy that is Yin coming through the Bubbling Fountain 湧泉 of our feet and the solar energy that is Yang descending through the Hundred Gathering Point 百會 on the top of our head together and reach a balance. The meditation was about thirty minutes long. I felt great afterwards.

Even though I never sensed the Sedona vortex vigor, my energy was rejuvenated with Tai Chi and Qigong practices. Or could it be because that I was in touch with the vortex and the sensation resulting from my practice became more intensified? Either way, I am grateful to have the opportunity to visit Sedona and practice the healing arts there.