In general, it does not matter which Tai Chi style or form you practice, you will obtain substantial health benefits of sleeping better, reduced anxiety, better balance, stronger immunity, and improved brain health. But not all Tai Chi styles are created equal. Dr. Shin Lin stated that a fast Tai Chi form could facilitate fast twitch muscles’ growth better.

There are two different types of fibers in muscles: slow twitch muscle fibers and fast twitch muscle fibers. The slow twitch muscle fibers contract slowly, but sustain for a long time while fast twitch muscle fibers contract quickly, but quickly get tired. Slow twitch muscle fibers are good for endurance activities like long distance running or cycling and can work for a long time without getting worn-out. Fast twitch muscle fibers are good for speedy movements like jumping to catch a ball or sprinting agilely and can be contracted quickly, but get exhausted very quickly because they consume lots of energy. Both muscle fibers are important for daily life and we need to keep them healthy and strong.

Dr. Shin Lin, Professor of Cell Biology, Biomedical Engineering, and Integrative Medicine, as well as Founding Director of Laboratory for Mind/Body Energy and Signaling Research at University of California – Irvine, stated that most of our body muscles are made up of a mixture of both slow and fast twitch muscle fibers. All of our muscles age as we get older; however, fast twitch muscle fibers begin the aging process much earlier at 30. Therefore, it is critical that we pay attention to them and keep them durable for a long time.

As a child, Dr. Lin learned Wing Chun. As an adult, he fell in love with Tai Chi especially the Chen Style Tai Chi. He has been practicing Tai Chi diligently and became a 12th Generation Chen Style Tai Chi Inheritor. Most Tai Chi styles are even-paced slowly, i.e. Yang Style and Sun Style. Tung Style has fast Tai Chi forms. Chen, He, and Zhao Bao Tai Chi mix both slow and fast movements together or Kuai Man Xiang Jian (快慢相間) and they are more suitable to maintain or even develop fast twitch muscle fibers.

The attached video is Chen Style Old Frame Routine Two demonstrated by Master Chen Bing. This form has many fast movements. But practitioners should be fluent in Chen Style Old Frame Routine One before trying this form.

(Edited by Doc Luecke)

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13 thoughts on “Fast Tai Chi is good for fast twitch muscles

  1. From Mark Small: Excellent, Master Li. Dr. Shin Lin is on target re: muscle fiber. When he states that, “most of our body muscles are made up of a mixture of both slow and fast twitch muscle fibers,” I wonder about the connective tissue of ligaments and tendons attaching muscle to bone. It makes sense to me that whole body neijia regimes, like the Cannon Fist of Old Chen style require linking the entire body in order to leap, turn, contract and extend issuing fa jing, as seen in the video. You are right, Sifu, “practitioners should be fluent… before trying this….” expressive fa jing, linking all joints and threading the entire body’s musculature, no matter the style.

    1. Yes, If one is not able to link the body to the root or Dan Tien then I would foresee problems with joint sprains and injuries.

  2. From Walter Barnes: It’s so true deeply true tai chi fast & slow helped win wars at the time when China was under attack building the great Wall & still a high training must learn in all of china the barbarians understand the power & fast flexible affects of Gung fu but couldn’t match up to a tai chi defender the art of wushu was in the war as well but the barbarians took them as kung fu know how to bake the defence but no match to tai chi so they gave up attacking in open field war. Tai chi warriors about becoming 8,000% of the army’s defence the barbarians tried to brake pads but got thrown to the point they gave up at the sametime the first empire stop building the wall the barbarians had to wait until things calm down then attack tricking China Because they was no match against a tai chi warrior that’s now everything with the circle of life ((( ☯ )))

  3. From David C Ritchie: I do fast Tai Chi for physical exercise. It is fun to do. The whole form fast, not just specific movements. Go to you tube search / Dave Ritchie Tai Chi and look for the Fast Tai Chi video.

  4. From Hugo Deckx: Great article and awesome Chen Bing! So, Xingyi is a very effective complementary training with Chen Pao Chui. We are on track

  5. I have a friend who said that he would teach me TaiChi but he live in Kentucky is there anywhere in Columbus Ohio in the north end where I could learn the monkey’s retreat in Columbus is closed so is there anywhere by OSU campus where I could learn thank you Beverly PS I really want to learn

  6. I have a friend who said that he would teach me TaiChi but he live in Kentucky is there anywhere in Columbus Ohio in the north end where I could learn the monkey’s retreat in Columbus is closed so is there anywhere by OSU campus where I could learn thank you Beverly PS I really want to learn this is my first time writing you

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