“Martial Art Essays from Beijing, 1760”: a string of pearls!

Michael DeMarco, a master in Asian Studies, integrates his deep knowledge of Asian history, culture, and martial arts. He published the “Journal of Asian Martial Arts” for over twenty years. His book “Martial Art Essays from Beijing, 1760” cleverly mixes history with fiction to reveal profound insights into martial arts principles. Despite initially believing the manuscript’s historical authenticity, readers find value in its knowledge.

Why Shedding? 

The natural process of shedding cells is shared by humans and animals, like snakes, which symbolizes vitality and renewal. Snakes hold cultural significance in many mythologies, representing wisdom and transformation. The upcoming 2025 Qigong retreat in Palenque, Mexico, celebrates this renewal theme, organized by Sifu Sharon Smith, offering holistic health benefits through Tai Chi and Qigong, with a focus on personal transformation.

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