Interview with Letha Hadady

Written by Sifu Sharon Smith Letha Hadady, D. Ac, is considered to be the best-known blonde in NYC’s Chinatown and “The Martha Stewart of Herbs” by Conde Nast Traveler magazine. No less than the Dalai Lama said of her, ‘I am confident that Letha Hadady will bring the ancient knowledge of the great cultures of […]

Master Ren-Gang Wang on Zhan Zhuang

In Chinese, Yi 意 means mind while Quan 拳 means boxing. According to Master Ren-Gang Wang 王仁剛 , Yiquan (意拳 or Yi Chuan aka 大成拳 Dachengquan) emphasizes the importance of the mind during the practice of boxing. Born in China, Master Wang Ren-Gang is a 3rd generation lineage holder of Dachengquan under Master Wang Xuan […]

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