The Children of Tai Chi Farm

Written by Sifu CJ Rhoads In the beginning was Tai Chi Farm. Okay, it wasn’t really the beginning.  After all, Qigong and Tai Chi (i.e. Taiji, T’ai Chi Ch’uan, or Taijiquan) have been around for hundreds if not thousands of years, though not always called by those names.  Even here in the United States teachers […]

Why Study Tai Chi Chuan as a Martial Art?

Authored by Sifu Alan Ludmer There is a major problem in the Tai Chi (Taiji) Community regarding accepting and practicing Tai Chi as a martial art.  Many Tai Chi practitioners are averse to the art’s martial aspects. They see TCC’s martial aspects as conflict, unharmonious, dangerous or just unnecessary?  I believe the problem is that […]

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